Freed from Fear of Death

Freed from Fear of Death

As some of you know, I was raised in Glendora, a small town in the San Gabriel valley. There I attended the United Methodist Church from the time I was in pre-school until I left for college. I had a very good experience growing up in that little church.

Love and the True Nature of Freedom

Love and the True Nature of Freedom

Last week we explored what it means that we are saved by grace through faith. In studying Paul’s brief summary of the gospel in Ephesians, we learned that salvation is entirely God’s gift to us and, as such, is not dependent on anything we do.

A Summary of the Gospel

A Summary of the Gospel

Last Sunday I said that a minister has to be a preacher, a teacher, and a pastor and that a
minister needs faith, intelligence, and love in order to fulfill these responsibilities. But since the minister is merely an authorized representative of the church’s ministry as a whole, what is true of the minister is also true of the church’s ministry.

That Paul and This Paul

That Paul and This Paul

I stand before you in humility and with gratitude for the awesome responsibility entrusted to me by the bishop and his cabinet who have appointed me to be your next minister at Christ Church by the Sea.

Two Kinds for Food for Two Kinds of Hunger

Two Kinds for Food for Two Kinds of Hunger

On this Sunday before the Thanksgiving holiday, it is fitting for us to reflect upon the importance of gratitude. After all, that’s what “Thanksgiving” means: to give thanks or to be grateful. At the center of this holiday there is food coupled with a memory.

Making church buildings missional

Making church buildings missional

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